Tuesday, August 28, 2012


"Michael Jackson is in cardiac arrest. pray"
A Text from a dear friend of mine who knows that I am a devoted Michael Jackson fan for years. I brushed it off thinking it's a rumor or he'll make it though. He injured his back years before, suffered burns on his scalp before that, he can make this. I continued to eat my burger with my son at the now defunct ESPN ZONE restaurant.

Paid for my bill. Stepped outside with son in hand.
"he's dead, Damian"

I think that text will haunt me forever. No way. No way did MJ die. Not now? I thought he would go out like Sammy Davis Jr. or his hero Gene Kelly-old but still dancing. I called my friend to confirm and I could hear the sobbing from her voice. I was speechless, shocked, in pain as if I lost my own brother. My son looked up at me and said, "don't cry. He's in a better place".

Ok that even screwed me up.

Tomorrow, August 29, two things: MJ BIRTHDAY and the 25th Anniversary of BAD album. My first intro to the greatest entertainer alive was 1979. My older sister bought the new release album of OFF THE WALL and she blasted the tunes and sounds of his wonderful voice through out the house, of course Mom and Dad were at work. We didn't have music video or cable TV back then but I loved the man's voice wooing during the song of "Don't stop till you get enough". My favorite was "TURN THIS DISCO OUT" at the time. Along comes the album TRIUMPH, The Jackson's best album besides DESTINY, with the thunderous song "CAN YOU FEEL IT" attached with a wicked short film that almost looks 3D (hint hint this needs to be on blu ray), with the marvelous performance on MOTOWN 25, you had to be a fool NOT to like him.

He was talented
Very good looking
Trend setter
And best of all
A brother that everyone, the whole world, loved.
Not even ELVIS had dealers from the hood listening to him, more less prisoners in jail.

Then he vanished after 1984. Where the hell was he, I thought. Where's the moonwalk? The glove???
Arrives another Jackson, JANET who came out with "CONTROL" and ruled the mid 80s.

Fine. But as years went by and I became older, I couldn't be any happier when the announcement came that MJ was back with his THRILLER follow up on August 29, 1988. A video was to be released publicly on national TV along with the album. I remember that summer day play the game of "TAPS" with my friends until it was 7:30pm, time to go upstairs. The video would air at 8pm.

Its on. The first shot is a tight close up on MJ. It's in black and white. And we all said in my house...

WHAT THE HELL DID HE DO TO HIS FACE? Why does he look lighter? Almost like Diana Ross. His Hair is THAT long? What's with the belt buckle thing? Wait, MJ is HARD core? He's a thug? A former thug?


What the hell
The world thought

BAD was bashed. It wasn't a critical success. People wanted another THRILLER where every song was a hit and it wasn't.

That didn't stop people from making it NUMBER ONE. It didn't stop him from making one of the best videos from the album SMOOTH CRIMINAL more less make that film MOONWALKER, a film that makes no sense but who cares, it's still a hit. It damn sure didn't stop him for doing his first world tour smashing records (remember he never had a tour for THRILLER). Yes MJ changed. A first that would be a line of changes to come sadly. MJ was gone to reinvent and to master his craft. He would create new dances, new routines, each video had to be bigger and better than the last. THIS WAS THE DEFINITION OF A GENIUS.

And the beginning of cruel ridicule till the day of his death. No one left him alone. It was so bad that the man has to make a song out of it called LEAVE ME ALONE.

WE could sit around and joke till the cows come home about how "white" this man was and how weird he acted only because he didn't follow the norm. He was viewed crazy because he had his own fashion style. We could ying yang all day and night but imagine walking in his shoes. Just think about that.


Though I freaked out when I saw the BAD video, I still had love for him. I loved him through the DANGEROUS period where he was accused the first time causing his sales to drop. I loved him when he went through that vendetta that eventually killed him (another blog for another time).

The day of June 25, the music died but his anointing through music lives on.

Happy Birthday Michael Joe Jackson
You are BAD

Friday, August 24, 2012


I'll come out right away to say this.


LOVE YOU SPIKE. Not like THAT but you know what I mean.

Loved and supported you since SHE'S GOTTA HAVE IT till RED HOOK SUMMER. I even paid for SHE HATE ME (...)

You are a pioneer and the only filmmaker I will pay to see.

Now that we got all that out the way.



This is two in a row now of WTH. The first was MIRACLE OF ST. ANNA where I first said WTH. I had hopes for this, especially when word got out you reprised your role as "Mookie" from your classic, your "Citizen Kane" film "DO THE RIGHT THING" but I was let down. badly.

RED HOOK SUMMER tells the story of a boy taking a trip to Atlanta with his FINE mother (I so wanted to know and SEE more of her) to spend time with his Overbearing preacher grandfather (a great GREAT Clarke Peters) in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn, NY. We don't know why the mother has an attitude when she drops her only son off then vanishes. The boy doesn't want to be in the hood nor wants to attend church, singing praises and hearing sermons all day. On non church days, he cant watch TV, play video games, eat healthy food, instead he's forced to work for the church with this "crazy" deacon (Thomas Byrd who looked like his character "Eroll Barnes" from CLOCKERS got saved and more screwed up in the head), befriends another girl from the church who is LOUD and carries her asthma inhaler like an ipod, and passes out tracks to people out in the street.

I would be pissed at my moms for sending me some where so boring. And I'm a Born Again Christian too.

Now I was fully prepared that Christianity was going to get a bad rep, like it always does in the media: Money hungry preachers taking from vulnerable black folks praying to a white God-FAR FROM THE TRUTH but with every film I try to keep an open mind to see Spike and writer James McBride point of view. Though false prophets exist, there are Pastors who care for the community and their congregation so I was waiting to see if there was a hint of any characteristics in the film. There was none. What I saw was an angry, personal attack on the church. It was very one sided instead of having a balance on the issue, especially with the climatic unpredictable last half hour. 

This film, like most Spike Lee films, have a plot but something else always goes on left field making it a distraction such as a Blood gang member (Excellent NATE PARKER) who wants to be a rapper, steals the boy's ipad and the preacher's money. OK....AND????

Without giving the climax away, I still didn't understand why the mother did what she did (again you have to see it). There was no solution, no ending, and nothing special about Red Hook. I'll enjoy Country Club section of the Bronx, thank you.

Spike is known for having the best actors in his films, shine. SPIKE please next time, hire ACTORS, child actors particularly. Deal with the stage moms, its a headache but at the end of the day, you'll have a great performance from them like the kids from CROOKLYN. The kid characters dialogue seemed as though the kids wrote it themselves on the spot. 

THE MUSIC. sometimes less is best or NONE AT ALL and this is a common trend with Spike Lee films-loud volume music over gripping scenes. The opening scene alone I actually said aloud "CUT THE MUSIC OFF". Not saying the soundtrack is bad because its not, its just used wrong. I loved the church songs. A lot. Especially towards the end at "that scene" I cant say.

I was disappointed seeing MOOKIE who...looked like Spike walking onset. I find it hard to believe that he would still be an old man delivering PIZZA wearing expensive jordans. Instead of Mookie he should have bought back MARS BLACKMAN who wasn't about nothing anyway so I would like to see what he would've evolved into. I DID however love the fact that NOLA DARLING (Tracey Johns) from SHES GOTTA HAVE IT appeared as a Jehovah's Witness. I thought that was a breath of fresh air. 

This film in my opinion felt personal from the writer and I hope and pray that his eyes of understanding will be enlighten on the issue of Christianity. We are all not like what you appeared or showcased in your film. 

I still love you Spike. Why? because you got this film made on your own. I may not have liked it but who cares. You got my $14 and this is the reason why we make films: to tell the story YOU want to tell, despite if I like it or not, and like Mookie says "I GOTS TO GET PAID". 

I didn't like it. Not at all. But I will continue to support you when OLDBOY is released. Your last good film to me was INSIDE MAN. Your last EXCELLENT flawless film was MALCOLM X. I'm waiting for the next masterpiece from you brother. This wasn't it.

-end of line

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Each thursday I will blog on the films that have inspired me in my life staring from five to the big nĂºmero UNO. 


Directed by Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins
Winner of 10 Academy Awards

Ingenious. Raw. authentic. Riveting...and it's a musical?

Winner of 10 Academy Awards, including a well deserved Best Picture (1961), this simple modernized Romeo and Juliet touched hearts in its debut on broadway and continued to do so with the film version. Here it is in the year 2012 and this timeless classic continues to touch hearts, make you smile and cry all at the same time. YES I cry watching this film.

The original concept was a Jewish boy and an Irish Catholic girl-BORING.  The theme was changed due to the sudden landing of Puerto Ricans moving to NYC from their homeland Puerto Rico.  NYC began its melting pot with the rise of Irish immigrants and Italians fighting each other in the area which would be considered hells kitchen but another theme was on the rise in NYC-Gang warfare. There were many gangs all throughout the five boroughs protecting and fighting for turf from careless teens; teenagers such as Salvador Agron aka The CAPEMAN, a puerto rican thug, sporting a cape, fedora and a knife, would be infamous for stabbing someone and laughing about it.  The famous words "I dont care if I burn" from the CAPEMAN made NY'ers aware that this teenage epidemic was serious and a huge problem.
This era was the same time another gang leader by the name of Nicky Cruz  from the bronx would lead the T-Birds in a reign of terror throughout NYC.

This was the late 50's. The best time to make this film.

Of course we all know the plot. Beautiful MARIA played by Natalie "BEDROOM EYES" Wood, a puerto rican teen finds love with a gang member named TONY played by Richard Beymer, looking for hope in his life. Both find true love through the midst of NYC gang and racial tension between the Irish or Caucasians per se, versus the Ricans. The film is mostly told through fabulous musical numbers such as "LIVE IN AMERICA", "BE COOL" and "MARIA".

Why the hell do I like this film? Well...Where do I begin.
The great authenticity of NYC. I am a sucker for vintage things, especially NYC. I truly love the fact that this NYC based film was NOT shot on a stupid studio lot in LA but filmed in the hot, and I mean HOT summer of 1960 on the real mean streets of NYC. If you look closely, and if you're a native NYer like myself, you can recognize a few locations like the park on 110st and Amsterdam and the open street in the beginning of what would be LINCOLN CENTER years later. The only scenes shot on a lot/studio was the interior scenes. On the DVD SPECIAL FEATURES "making of.." they show the filmmaker Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins (who was fired cause of being way too anal causing the film to be over budget) directing the actors with their dance, and you see the real NYC bystanders, some of them real gang members, watching, some snickering I guess thinking the actors looked feminine but THEY DIDN'T. 
The dance numbers were so strict and poised that it didn't look like typical dance numbers but a reflection or body language of their characters, it wasn't a  distraction. Of course George Chakiris wasn't a Puerto Rican, nor was Miss Wood but their performances were so dead on and characters well written that you believed they were from the native land. You even bought the fact that Miss Wood actually sang those songs sounding nothing like a rican but some white old lady. Who cares, it's good. 
I have tons of favorite scenes in this film but the one that stands out for me to the point of tears (I swear I'm gomma mimic this with one of my own films to pay homage), the party dance off between the gangs, it separates and suddenly Tony and Maria spots each other across the room. Both of their worlds behind them becomes blurry and  IT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FREAKING SCENE AND SET UP IN FILM HISTORY. 

That's real. When you find your true love the first time, nothing else matters. It's a shame that Miss Wood and Tony hated each other during filming.

This film is a testament that no matter what goes on around you, as long as you're happy, whether it's with a mate or yourself, nothing else matters. True love is true love, even in the gang tormented NYC. Things would eventually change for NYC for the better...at least in Manhattan. CAPEMAN Algron would do time in prison, reformed himself as a anti-gang counselor who would pass away in the late 80s. Nicky Cruz would also reform to christianity and was the subject of the Best Christian film entitled THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE (future blog).

As for WEST SIDE STORY, the film still ranks as one of the best in film history. Many revivals of the broadway version has come and go and  It's one of the top five films I watch the day before I film one of my creative contents. 

It's truly a timeless classic. Love conquers all.

HIDDEN FACT: Elvis Presley was approached to play TONY

-end of line

Next thursday FILM FAV NUMBER 4
"my name is for my friends. None of my friends are a murderer"

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I AM A CINEMATIC FREAK. I love love love movies. Its second to church as to finding my peace within my soul. OK WHO CARES

I'm going to name 10 films that have inspired me not just to become a better person but a better actor and filmmaker; however I'm going to start with the worst.

These are films that if I did something wrong and you tie me up, stuck me in a room to force me to watch these films, I WOULD DIE,  GO TO HEAVEN and meet Jesus. These are bad like a mug.

So here's the films that pisses me off that some douchebag greenlit this piece of donkey balls trash.

The ultimate WORST movie ever. Its so bad that I don't even remember the plot nor do I care to look it up on imdb. All I remember was seeing this as a kid and I hated it then. I know it was an E.T wanna be knockoff but the ailens themselves wasn't even cute. I remember some scene where scary Ronald McDonald was dancing in Mcdonalds looking like the clown from "IT". I dont need to elaborate on this nor do I need to netflix this because I will get pissed off like I netflix a film I used to love as a kid and now is on this list...

Well let me rephrase myself-I kinda like this when I was a kid but knew it was bad. As an adult watching this with my son who told me 20 minutes into it to shut it off, I saw the light. THIS MOVIE IS BEYOND BAD. The character itself is not appealing nor interesting. Who cares of a duck who came from a duck planet with duck porn (what??) crashing into earth to join a chick band who looks like ducks themselves. Its not funny, its dark and the villian...omg I always knew he wasn't RIGHT-the actor who plays the villian is doing time for child pornography. Boy the connection with Porn and Howard the Duck gets more interesting as I write this. George Lucas was on SOMETHING producing this mess.

This is a pure example for actors to always choose your projects wisely because you never know when your time on earth is gonna run out; sadly prestige actor Raul Julia took the advice of his son to do this film and it turned out to be his last. DAMN DAMN DAMN. Nominated for an Oscar, respected in the theatre and your last film is a piece of crap movie staring a coked up Jean Claude Van Damme who suppose to play an American with no American Accent in this lame video gam adaption. The ending alone, the last shot of the film has to be the worst piece of celluoid ever made in history. Speaking of actors not choosing wisely...

End of an era of the Batman flicks until Long Wolfe Nolan saved the day but this was just so God awful even George Clooney said so. George was so bad as a bobble head Batman that he made Adam West version look like Al Pacino. Writers of superhero films please take this note: WHENEVER YOU ADD MORE THAN ONE OR TWO VILLIANS IN ONE MOVIE, ITS A DISASTER. Lets see, POISON IVY, BANE, MR.FREEZE...way too much to follow. It was like watching a Halloween party. Way too colorful, script was lame and Batman and Robin had 0 chemistry together along with Batgirl. One of the worst SUPERHERO MOVIES besides THE PUNISHER (Tom Jane one)

I truly wish George Lucas would've left this alone with Episode 4, 5 and the muppet show but no, we just have to see the beginning of everything. The beginning of Anakin Skywalker played by some kid who couldn't act to save his life but wait...no one in these movies were good. Not even great actors like Liam Nieson, Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor-very bland and robotic...but I don't put the blame on them, I BLAME LUCAS for his poor direction, poor script with wooden dialogue. The first episode was dreadful watching all this SENATE crap that I cared nothing about, then this lovely dovey cougar dating crap in episode 2. Episode 3 would've been great if there wasn't so much lame and dry fight scenes, dialogue and being too colorful. This is one of those things where an idea should just STAY an idea. Episode 4,5 and Kermit DE frog ewok film STILL stands on its on as classics.

A PURE WASTE OF TIME. Ben Affleck, thank God has found his niche in directing great films like GONE BABY GONE and THE TOWN was cleary pussywhipped by JLO to do this damn thing about two criminals protecting a retard kid from the mafia. Affleck aka BENAFLECK (say it real fast as one word. Sounds like a medicine for a headache right?) was never a Pretty boy type from head to toe until he met JLO who wanted her Boston man clean cut. He looks so uncomfortable in this film that his bad acting looks legit. JLO....nah thats too easy.
Play that damn song she sang for the soundtrack and I'm yanking my skin off my body. "bbbabaaby i waaant jewwwwwwww, baaaabby ii neeeedd jewwwwwww" OMG

I dont give a damn that its considered a "cult classic in the hood", this was a film that I almost walked out of. The movie for starters needs a light bulb so we can actually SEE what's going on. Second, it needs, like most bad films, here we go, it needs...TADA...A SCRIPT. Yes a STORY, not this homey street motto where we get a bunch of non acting rappers trying to be Michael Coreleone and Tony Montana, get some hot hoochie girls and tell the director "a yo so lets do this. I come out the room cause he was wit your man, knowhatumsayin, and I bee like (points his two guns) BLADDDDAH blasting yo". Thus the reason why all these stupid characters pop in and out. I hated every minute of this music video looking film made by a music video director Hype Williams. 

Makers of THE MATRIX. Wow. What a screw up. This falls into the same catagory as BELLY-All flash and no story. First off this was a film that should not have been made. What is so exciting about  CAR RACING FILMS??? NONE. No matter if its in the future, the past, present, its BORING. DAYS OF THUNDER?? HELLO??? Speed Racer was too old for young audiences to grasp thats why it failed at the box office. I was so bored that I fell asleep a couple of times.

I REALLY HATED THIS FILM SO MUCH IT MADE ME MAD. I'm not even gonna discuss the two negro transformers with the bling but Michael Bey really tried to insult my intelligence with this lame, corny, noisy mess of a movie that looks like trash cans fighting. I was appalled to hear so much profanity for a "kids" film when I took my son to see it when one of them said "Punk ass Deceptacons) I wanted to walk out with him but my son wasn't having that.

I cant say much about this. This is no lie, in the first 5 minutes when I saw it in the theatre, I heard Tracey Morgan's voice interrogating and I just walked out. I know it was heading for disaster and Kevin Smith only did it for the money so why waste my time?

ok so I vented and got that out of my system. What are your worst films? I know I forgot some like HUDSON HAWK, ISHTAR, etc etc etc etc

-end of line

Saturday, August 18, 2012




What do you get when almost every action star of the 80's and 90's except Michael Dudikoff and Sho Kuzuki (hey they were BUSY) appear in one film? you get what we saw in the 80's and 90's" PURE CORNINESS.


THE EXPENDABLES 2 is LOUD, LOUD and moreso LOUD but that's expected, and I mean in the first 10 seconds, you will see how LOUD it is. Explosions, senseless killings, horrible dialogue, yes ITS THE 80'S AGAIN. not a bad thing.

Sly Stallone is back with his team of mercenaries to get "even" with Bruce Willis demands (I dunno) to get some kind of device that looks like a box for a wedding ring so it wont get into the wrong hands. Well it gets into the wrong hands (duh) by a terrorist (a SUPERB JEAN CLAUDE VAN DAMME....YES I SAID IT) who wants to do....something with it. Its some kind of nuclear thingy that can make a profit with God knows who and blah blah blah WHO CARES, right? Story means nothing in movies like this cause we're the audience and we're SOOOO DUMB.

Tragedy happens as one of the mercenaries are killed (no guys, its not Terry Crews so relax) and this makes Stallone pissed and makes his face more droopy. Along comes some asian woman who always had the same screwface expression in every scene (where was Michelle Yeoh???) to help the group in the "defuse the bomb terrortiory", Jet Li says "I've done my part, ADIOS" and was never seen again, Chuck Norris reminded me of the Spider Man in FAMILY GUY where he just pops out of nowhere with his web shot and says "everyone only gets ONE" (YOU GOTTA BE A FAN OF FAMILY GUY TO KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT) and finally AH-NOLD...ugh. Was he really that bad of an actor or was I just a blind kid?

Speaking of acting, it was hard to understand these guys diction, especially Dolph. Every talked like they were related to Cookie Monster saying the most dumbest shit like "REST IN PIECES" C'MON STALLONE, you can do better than that. How bout "GO FOR IT"??

But I don't want to be negative, lets talk about whats good:

These Hemmsworth brothers are VERY TALENTED (Liam & Thor Chris who wasn't in the film), yeah his monologue scene looked like he was auditioning to get into Julliard, but he has skills. I have to say besides JCVD, this has to be VAN DAMME'S best work. He was very SHORT, believable and I wanted to see more of him and the reason why he was doing all this. His fighting skills are still up to par at his 50's-I expect Hollywood to use him more unless he fucks it up again with drugs. 

I actually preferred the first Expendables because it had some depth with the characters-this one was just "LETS ADD HIM HERE AND SAY DUMB SHIT AND THEN HE VANISHES" like we're playing toys. This is not bad, but it wasn't GREAT. Sometimes sequels are better than the original and sometimes it doesn't work leaving the third installment better than all. Rumor has it Clint, Cage, Wesley and the Harrison (who needs a hit BAD) may join forces but tell you the truth...I'm getting tired seeing these old guys doing unbelievable action scenes, saying dumb lines.


Oh yeah

they're BUSY.

-end of line

Thursday, August 16, 2012



In a couple of hours my childhood dream will be fulfilled as the wait of THE EXPENDABLES 2 will hit theaters across the country. No doubt the film will be a box office smash, probably doing better than the first film over 300 million worldwide; I thought I share my FAVORITE FILMS from each EXPENDABLE in the group.

OK on the real, Terry Crews don't count and no I will not share a clip of him dancing on WHITE CHICKS. I don't care for Jason Straham as well but there is a clip for him. Hemmsworth was a toddler so he doesn't count.


OF COURSE SLYVESTER STALLONE'S MASTERPIECE IS ROCKY. Second is RAMBO, that's a given. It will be on his tombstone. But my ultimate favorite of Stallone?
YES I was about 5 years old when my Dad took us to see this in a run down theatre in Times Square (what was he thinking?) but this underrated urban drama set in Regan-era NYC about detectives hunting a Terrorist (An Excellent Rutger Hauer who scares me to this day), not only is excellent but its the best and ONLY look where Stallone actually looked like he was from the hood. Why isn't this film on blu-ray is beyond me. The clip below is one of the best scenes in the film. HIDDEN FACT: Stallone directed the chase scene

YES I KNOW, THE TERMINATOR IS HIS BEST, THATS AN EASY ROUTE; So why the hell did I pick this cheesy, action packed, muscle bound, Hot Steam pipe tossing to the villian's stomach that features a very hot pre teen who would grow up into a very hot woman, film named COMMANDO? Because its a cheesy, action packed, muscle bound, hot steam...you get the rest. ITS THE 80'S-DECADE OF THE CHEESE...AND I LOVED IT. You couldn't tell a 9 year old kid like me that you cant survive a jump from a plane at 50 feet and survive to kick ass. HIDDEN FACT: When Arnold picks up Sully with one arm upside down (SMH) you can see the wire hanging on his foot. And here I thought this dude was STRONG.


I really wanted to pick LIONHEART or DOUBLE IMPACT, especially LIONHEART but nothing just doesn't compare to Van Damme (my fav of the Expendables) first film BLOODSPORT. This movie, basically our first introduction into what would become MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) tells the true story (was it really true?) of Frank Dux who escapes the Army to fight in the tournament and also beat the legend BOLO YEUNG. Also Van Damme looked DAMN GOOD physically. I picked this film because though it was released in the late 80's, its NOT OUTDATED. The film continues to have a successful run on cable and in every generation. My son watched this recently and loved it. That's what you call a true classic. I haven't see Lionheart in years and people forget Academy Award winning actor Forrest Whitaker is in this. HIDDEN FACT: Van Damme was the first choice to play PREDATOR but dropped out (some say fired) because he was offered this film. GREAT CHOICE BRO.


Talk about UNDERRATED. I think this was Chuck's Darkest film besides LONE WOLF McQUADE or ACT OF VENGENCE. I really wanted to pick DELTA FORCE but this movie gets pushed to the side. The tone and fight scenes alone is worth the watch. 

OK let me get this out of the way, I'm not much of a fan of JET LI. The monotone acting alone kills me, along with the stupid wires he uses for his unbelievable fight scenes; however I TRULY LOVED HIM IN THIS FILM based on a true story about a master in the 20th century. The performance, fight scenes and especially the music gave me the utmost respect for him as an actor. I didn't see this as a typical Martial Arts film but a man with a dream that was ruined by hate. 

Besides his breakout role in ROCKY 4 and even THE EXPENDABLES, this was by far Dolph's BEST with Van Damme's best (hes good when he doesn't have to say much) about Vietnam soldiers frozen in time to become SUPER SOLDERS in the future. Dolph showed his range as an actor by not being such a mean badass but a likeable mean badass. HIDDEN FACT: My man Michael Jai White plays a solider in the first one, then played the villian in the second film.

DIE HARD (1988)
THIS WAS EASY. C'mon, you thought I was gonna say "UNBREAKABLE"? Puhleese. People have to remember Bruce was doing MOONLIGHTING when this came out. For us to believe this pretty boy with hair at the time, SHOOTING TERRORIST, it was far fetched but he pulled it off like a mug. One of the most entertaining films of the 80's that set a high trend of the unassumed hero genre of films that would follow, along with its sequels. HIDDEN FACT: Richard Gere was considered for the role of JOHN MCCLAINE...can you believe that crap?


yeah I'm gonna get a lot of flack for this but I'm sorry, he has not done anything in my opinion that wowed me. Those Transporter movies are like watching Woody Woodpecker, I'm not even gonna mention the crap he did with Jet Li called THE ONE. CRANK was an OCD trip but...I really liked him for the first time in The Expendables. I thought he finally had a little bit of depth and range in the character he portrayed. The knife thingy worked for me. I know, he has time for me to grow on him.

So there you have it. My favs of all the actors in the film and I'm sure you'll disagree with me which is what I want so please share your thoughts, curse me out, I don't care. All I know is when I was a kid, I yearned to see these guys, my heros in one film. I used to mimick this when I played with my G.I. JOES and now I get to see it on the screen. Too bad Bruce Lee is not alive to be a part of it. 



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

JUSTICE, my new HIT series coming THIS FALL


Said a LA Casting Director after reviewing me reel. I got the email message from her while sitting in a Starbucks. Damn. If I only had an action scene to complete this. Hmmm... sipping on my overpriced Hot chocolate.

I DO want to play a role where I kick ass and get the girl but none was ever offered to me; Why don't I create it myself? Oddly enough I had a shirt on that says JUST(ICE) but the word JUSTICE hit me hardcore. 

My first lead role in a film was a character named "Justice" in the short film "JUSTICE IS DONE" when I was 15 so it was fitting to create a character with the same name.

Marc Justice was born in Starbucks. GREAT. I can create a scene where I can kick some ass just to show that I have the chops to pull this off...and I wanted to do it...NOW. I have the equipment-camera, sound and all, but it would cost money to gather up a crew, actors, rehearsals, etc. I just knew that I needed to FILM SOMETHING, a teaser, a scene, SOMETHING. That's me, whenever I get an idea, I act on it right away. Sometimes that's a good and a bad thing to do. I admit it.

As the day progressed, MARC JUSTICE began to talk to me and tell me about his life and what he's going through. He expressed to me while I was training clients that his wife was murdered while he was getting it on with another woman. The guilt of comitting adultery while this tragic event took place plagued his heart and soul to lead him to an attempted suicide. 

He needed to do what we all do in our everyday lives. To turn a wrong into a right by any means necessary.


SO ME, Speedy, locked myself into my room while my son was playing video games in the living room. Grabbed my camera, shot coverage of myself as Marc Justice grieving, spliced it up on Final Cut Pro, uploaded it online and within the hour it gained so many hits and interests from audiences. People were intrigued by the short teaser I made. No crew, no money, just me solo dolo with an idea.

With so much attention, I decided to make another teaser to gain more views, this time showing myself fighting. That trailer gained more views than the other. 

As weeks and months went by, script changing like the weather (it was going to be an ACTION JACKSON campy type that converted into a dark cop noir), it sparked the interest of Red Wall Productions led by Craig T. Williams and Rosalyn Coleman Williams. Red Wall has never ventured into the genre of ACTION so this was a risky yet daring and exciting new venture for them to take upon. We brainstormed and the next thing you know, I'm kicking ass onscreen THE RIGHT WAY.

Thanks to Marc Justice who was always inside of me waiting to come out. Yes he's a beautiful character but when you see this hit show, you're gonna see a man who doesn't have it all together, flaws to the core and a man trying to make it all come together HIS WAY. A selfish stubborn cop.

A perfect example of "if they build it, they will come". Well I have it on my reel but I also have a BIGGER PLAN beyond a reel. 

Thanks Casting Director

and Starbucks.

-End of Line



CHAD OCHOCINCO aka Chad Johnson aka whatever the hell he wants to call himself these days, got the boot from the Miami Dolphins yesterday because of a head butt. A head butt to his wife Evelyn "IM HOOD, I'M FROM THE BRONX, YO" Lozada from the slutty show called JUMP OFF WIVES...oops REALITY WHORE CHICS...damn, where's my manners, BASKETBALL GROUPIES




So anyway, Evelyn has it in with bald brothers. She had another one who used to play for the Celtics that I always thought looked like Raj from WHATS HAPPENING and they fought as well. Well they haven't been married for a hot 7 reps, and one head but is the cause of Divorce. Geez, you breathe hard and your partner wants to divorce these days.

OH and to top it off with sugar on top, VHI aka VIDEO HOES INC (female AND Men) cancelled their upcoming reality show. AH MAN, I WAS REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.

DAMN TALK ABOUT DRAMA. I watched the clip this morning from HARD KNOCKS which has since been removed today, and watched how the head coach stated this was a string of problems with him that led up to this nonsense. A bridge was burnt.

Now you aint got no job.
I wonder if the divorce was made after the release was made. SIGH, when will these athletes LEARN? Especially people of color? Now I know an athlete is an Athlete-white or black, but I'm talking about my own brother's and sisters.

WHY THE HELL WE CAN'T JUST DO OUR JOBS? If our job requirements are to not only play but to be an EXAMPLE to the team by visiting schools, hospitals, shelters, no DRUGS, no CRIME, NO CRIME, NO CRIME, NO CRIME...why do these cornballs continue to do so?? Is it cause of the fine ass they get like candy, in the clubs, stadiums, etc? are they that deceived by a woman to do the opposite? To get laid to a shorty, come 2 hours late to practice with no apoligy then get mad at the coach because he didn't do a play set for HIM??? What happen to pure honor and respect to your employer? Just because you get millions to catch a ball means you can tweet, do and say anything you want?
Does it give you the right to choke a hoe? or head butt a hoe?

NO. Follow the rules so you can leave a legacy you asswipe.

I know, I'm a little hard on MISS FORDHAM ROAD Lozada. I'm sorry but we all know your intentions....

thats just too easy to medal on.

Not giving Ocho some grace...but a brotha had to be driven to the wall for him to not use his fist but his chrome head. I think the main thing thats missing in relationships such as this is the lack of RESPECT. NO ONE RESPECTS THEIR PARTNER ANYMORE. Women want to become the men (oh yes I WILL blog about THIS) and men want to be the women or they're treated as if, thus people talk to each other like they're from the street.

No bueno

This is a sad case on both sides so my message to Chad is this-DO YOUR JOB. BE A FOOTBALL PLAYER (I was never a fan anyway) and live RIGHT. Spend RIGHT, PICK YOUR WOMAN RIGHT (no it doesn't mean to get a WHITE GIRL but if thats your queen then so be it). Any clown who gets a chic from the JUMP OFF WIVES show needs to headbutt the wall.


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