Saturday, September 15, 2012


Winner of 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture 1962
Starring Peter O'Toole, Alec Gunniness, Anthony Quinn 
Directed by Sir Davis Lean


That's the word that plays in my head over and over when I watch this film, all 227 minutes of it. 

Beautifully crafted, sharp direction and brilliant performances from the leads, Sir David Lean spent almost a year in the hot desert creating the story of T.E. Lawrence. Yeah yeah yeah we can complain about the history of it being white washed-another film where the white man saves the day in a land not his own.


The film tells the story of the  real T.E. Lawrence to go from lieutenant to colonel, sets on a mission, a BALL-sey mission at that, in the desert tribes tries to unite and tip the balance in the Allies' favor against the Turks in World War I. man dressed in all white tries to make peace...for 3 long hours and my God is it long but it's equivalent to staring at the best painting in the world for 3 hours.

It was so long that there was an intermission in its theatrical release-wished they had that for LORD OF THE RINGS.

So why do I like this and use it as a tablet of inspiration when I prepare to film my projects? No matter environment, actors used, you MUST create or at least try to create a masterpiece. Try filming a  violent feature length film with brand new state of the art equipment at the time with wide lens, in 115 degree heat for almost a year-and not only make a masterpiece but it became a box office hit and snagged some oscars.

We can debate all day how Marlon Brando, Lawrence Oliver and DeNiro are the greatest actors of our time and of course I agree; however Peter O'Toole is the best underrated actor who gave in my opinion and according to PREMIERE magazine, the best performance in cinema history.

Sadly to this day, he has never won an Oscar. 

The rape scene alone, the pain he endures through betrayal and mission at hand, priceless. He was also, this debatable, the first to shoot someone in the head at close range onscreen. Numerous versions of the film have cut the scene but if you look at the brand new editions, it's there.

There would be no STAR WARS and INDIANA JONES if it wasn't for this film. It's so hot it makes you feel hot watching it.

Highly recommended.

-end of line.

"never get out of the boat"

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