Monday, October 1, 2012

The mask of Social Media: TAKE IT OFF

This is going to be REAL short

Folks, stop hiding behind social media via twitter, fb, etc.

If you love someone, CALL them up and tell them on the phone.
If you hate someone's guts or involved in a he said/she said situation or problem, CALL the individual to squash it and clear the air.

DO NOT BE A COWARD and post your feelings or situation online to gain numerous soul claps from so called "friends" which is imprinted forever. You think you're being victorious when its actually making you look vanglorious, narcissist, stupid and most of all...MORE STUPID. I know, I used to be one until I wised up and realized in this so called world of Social Media that no one really gives a shit. Its the main reason why I shut everything down on my social media.

Why should I care if you're man cheated?
Why should I care if you can't find a good job or a good man?
Why should I care if you someone didn't pay you the exact dollar for your services?


Handle it like a real man or woman and deal with it privately. Always remember that your true friends will call you up and put you in check saying "remove that last status NOW. No one needs to know all your business". I'd rather have THAT friend than the fake "LIKE/ RE-TWEET" whores of Social Media.

End of line

told you it was short

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