Friday, June 14, 2013


"Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing because whatever the Father does the son also does-John 5:19 NIV

"Any man can make a baby with a woman but a father is responsible for the growth and development of his children"-Malcolm X

"My mama raised me and I love her but a woman cant raise a man to be a man"-Tupac Shakur

Mother's Day appears and everyone is overjoyed. Commercials of non stop gifts for moms flood the TV and radio air waves reminding you to spend time with Mom. Social media are flooded and I mean FLOODED with tremendous love for the great woman who birthed us. Profile pics are changed with Moms being Moms, etc. LOVE for the mom is celebrated.

FATHER'S DAY becomes a day of few of these things yet alone a day of bitterness, debate, and who qualifies themselves as a DAD and sadly women are proudly taking on these roles. Some women on social media even consider themselves as DAD because they're doing it "all by themselves"

80% of the time is far from the truth.

I, as a father of a 10 year old son, am very tired. I'm tired of always debating this issue on who or what makes a FATHER on Father's Day. Single Moms feel the need to take on the DAD role because their deadbeat ran off with another woman, wont provide or pay their child support, etc. No one is excusing that childish behavior from these Sperm Donors.

Well this is going to come with love but YOU picked the dude therefore it was YOUR choice to lay down with him, get a child or children and expect to live a picket white fence knowing very well he wasn't about nothing from the start.

There are also situations where some women WANT the DAD role just out of bitterness because their Dad split due to reasons unknown. They're mad that the man moved on with their lives so the Mom do all that she can to prevent the father to spend time with the child. Sometimes there are Dads out here who have NO IDEA they had a child. A woman gets pregnant in a One Night Stand, splits on him forever and 30 something years later he finds out he has a child.


To all the Single Moms dealing with "Sperm Donors", please be aware that you are ONLY MOM. A GREAT MOM. That's it. You are NOT the Father or a Dad. Raise your children with respect and honor, DON'T be bitter by talking about their Dad in a negative way. There are THREE SIDES to every story: Your's, His and the Truth. One day your child will want to know the other side and it will probably be different. Be honest with your children.

It didn't work out with your Dad. We didn't see eye to eye . It happens.
HE is your Dad, he is the father of your children. SHOW RESPECT and HONOR him.  Anger kills and makes you grow older, not wiser.

Ladies if you're not together with the baby Daddy and he IS a great Father, HONOR HIM towards your child. If you continue with the "I can do bad by myself and your father was an ass" yet he pays his child support and takes care of his kid, your child will grow up and turn against you.

Bottom line: no one is perfect. People make mistakes; but there are people who do whats right. The bible says HONOR THY MOTHER AND FATHER. Give us Dad's the honor we deserve. That deadbeat may have been a deadbeat, but he gave you a blessed child.

To the DAD's who feel the only thing they should do is give their son the new Jordans and don't see them for months afterwards, GROW UP. If you plant a seed, help it to grow. Don't be cowards and run out creating another fatherless generation. If you can get down with her, you can provide with her as well.

HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the MEN doing what they suppose to do with our children. Wives cherish and honor your husband / Father and know that he is grooming kings and queens for generations to come .We are their best role models. WE are their heroes and we are...

I honor the women who honor the men to be what they're called to be: DAD.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

JUSTICE saved my life

"We are beyond the stage of just being 'AN ACTOR'. You HAVE to create your OWN"-Marlon Wayans

Thursday Jan 3, 2013 I saw tweet on social media that read:

"Congrats the crew of JUSTICE Action Web Series for their acceptance into the LaWeb Festival 2013"
I rejoiced. Gladly.
Its our first acceptance into a festival, first of many in LA
a great way to start 2013.

Mind you this was created in Starbucks.

After years of working as an actor and within the last 10 years deciding to take matters into my own hands creating content, I constructed a 5 year business plan for my career that would be completed with a full ledge Acting reel. I had all the tools you can have based on my "type" which was known as "LEADING MAN". I sent the reel to a  well known Casting Director in LA who viewed what I put together and she loved it; however she suggested it would've been better if I had a role that showed my physique or fighting someone. I always wanted to do an action role in a film or series where I can kick someone's ass and get the girl at the end. 

Then JUSTICE, Marc Justice sat right next to me and told me his story. A complexed man who did wrong but wants to make things right to fix a wrong, by any means necessary. I wrote the first draft right in Starbucks. I came fresh from playing TUPAC in the play "The Tragedy of Tupac" so the baldie would fit his look. Originally it was going to be a spinoff from the 80's action film ACTION JACKSON but darker and grittier. I went home, my son was playing video games so I took my camera, shot scenes myself, edited, added voice overs and the finished product is what you see below: 

After I posted this video, the buzz online was off the chain. People actually thought it was filmed and wanted to see the show NOW. 
I created a huge buzz within weeks, that I created another trailer; with characters from my drafts (I wrote 4 episodes). Both trailers were shot little to no budget at all, in fact it  only cost me $200. just to pay crew (Make up artist LillyBeth Gonzales and Assistant Director/Cameraman Ren Humphrey). The second trailer was put together and the buzz increased rapidly. I had all this attention that it landed me a legit Manager. Now with all the numbers coming in, I was faced with a decision; should I use the same crew and just shoot what I have? or wait till I get picked up?

I've attended numerous get together functions with Online Content creators, picking their brains to see how they managed to get their shows successful. Read and belonged to Web Content Creator groups on Facebook, sought advice from Filmmaker friends like Tony Clomax, Emelyn Stuart and Al Thompson, etc. 


This wasn't the first time I've worked with my mentors, Actress and Director Rosalyn Coleman Williams (Who just been cast to appear Off-Broadway in THE PIANO LESSON) and her husband, Producer/ Writer Craig T. Williams. We actually had great success with our short film I produced and star called "MOTH TO A FLAME" which toured the film festival circuit across the country. Red Wall Productions versatile, professional content range from comedy and drama...but they never had ACTION.  When the trailer was posted, Roz kept plugging that she was interested but I, like a fool, didn't take her seriously. It was during a meeting together that a team was created to help develop it from writing, casting, all the way down to marketing. 

The idea of the ACTION JACKSON thing was tossed. New drafts emerged. and emerged
and emerged some more.
Was I angry that my idea of just a BAM BAM, KICK KICK kiss kiss idea was now transformed into a darker, vulnerable and fucked up action hero? not at all. We workshopped and workshopped the material, and we workshopped some more-this is why you should always workshop your material just to hear it aloud. 

JUSTICE went into production in April 2012 and I wasn't there. I mean, I was there physically but not in spirit. Here's my first online content that I created, picked up by a talented company and I was not happy. Without getting into details, I had a personal bad experience at that time and I was confused. I was suppose to be happy and I wasn't. I'm suppose to have fun and I didn't. My mind was dark...but so was Marc Justice.

Marc Justice actually saved my life from going insane. His pain and pressures of finding his wife's killer made me stronger to help him deal with this through my performance. Justice guilt of betrayal guided me to protect my heart from the pain I was feeling at the time and this is one of the greatest things I love about acting-It helps you escape through truth. 

JUSTICE was made with a tremendous cast such as Krystal Farris, Ellen Domingos, Okema Moore, Thyais Walsh, Dayla Perkins and Toni Robinson-May and great crew members Ryan John Lee, Anuarite Chizungu, Patricia Yi, Lillybeth Gonzalez, James Hicken and John Olivio to name a few.

Little do they know, I truly LOVE Roz and Craig for putting up for me during those times. They are truly the best at what they do. 

JUSTICE was released in August. 
My reel was complete (for now)
and I landed a legit agent, among other things. 
Now we're going to LA to appear with other great shows. 

If you have a role that you want to play and haven't played it yet, CREATE IT YOURSELF.

If you want to make a movie, make the movie you want to make and entertain. 

If you have a story to tell, WRITE IT BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Craig always tells me, "It does no good staying in your head. Write."

We, Red Wall and I, have a bigger goal for JUSTICE and this is just the beginning. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


My second favorite film WAS intended to be the typical film from AFI and it was CITIZEN KANE however I have placed that film on my MOST NOTABLES (a blog coming up within a couple of days). This was a tough one being that I love love love CK and Director Orson Wells so much; however I have to pay homage to a film that has be to one of the most underrated, dogged out film in cinema history.

Robert DeNiro, James Woods, William Forestye, Jennifer Connoly
Directed by Sergio Lenore
Based on the book THE HOODS

You wanna talk about a masterpiece that was shitted on by Hollywood and viewed a classic, this is the film. Ill get to that nonsense (yes its pure nonsense) in a minute.

ONCE...tells the lives of a small group of New York City Jewish gangsters spanning over 40 years. Told mostly in flashbacks and flash-forwards, the movie centers on small-time opium addict hood David 'Noodles' Aaronson and his lifelong partners in crime; Max, Cockeye and Patsy and their friends from growing up in the rough Jewish neighborhood of New York's Lower East Side in the 1920s, to the last years of Prohibition in the early 1930s, and then to the late 1960s where an elderly Noodles returns to New York after many years in hiding to look into the past. 

Now here comes the nonsense
Some studio exec jag off felt the movie was too long, the audience would never appreciate it; therefore it was decided to trim it to 2 hours, changing  the story a bit by going in order from young to old and it would be a hit.


No one understood a damn thing. The essence was gone, performances diminished, add that up and you have a flop from one of the greatest Filmmakers of all time. Shame on Hollywood for ruining what would be Serio Lenore's last film. 

Then magic happen

A bright idea was made to re-edit back to 3 hours, change the story with a Godfather Part 2 flashback method and the film becomes, what Sergio created, A MASTERPIECE.

The movie was a monster hit on VHS and if someone listen to Sergio it would've won tons of Oscars but hey, it was an era in Hollywood where true brass balls of the 60s and 70s died and money hungry trust fund kid studio execs were created-kinda like the same now.

Robert DeNiro as a Jewish gangster is unfathomed to believe at first but this is not MEET THE FOCKERS DeNiro. This was method actor "Raging Bull-King of Comedy" DeNiro. The man was in his prime playing the quiet yet unpredictable NOODLES who never explodes in rage but his eyes showed a hidden monster waiting to unleash. A great common trend from Sergio who was big on the eyes in frame. You never know what he's thinking or planing: even at the last shot of the film where he gets high and lets out a big smile-we're lead to believe this whole story was all in Noodles opium high or if its real. My opinion.....


James Woods who never, in my opinion, has done a bad film or performance in his 30 something career, plays MAX with a crazed yet sympathetic demeanor. You truly care for this sick bastard who wants to live the high life by robbing the federal reserve bank, among other treachery.  In fact you care for all of these characters struggling to survive in the Great Depression all the way down to the late 60s where the story ends. Second to the last scene is very chilling as Max disappears. Sergio leaves it up to our imagination again-was he murdered and dumped into the garbage truck or did he escape? It reminds me of the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa to say the least. In my opinion....

Well see the clip below

THE MUSIC IS A CHARACTER IN THIS FILM. Extraordinary is speaking too low of this wonderful score, which is pretty much used in almost every scene. It's the peace within the music that carries the violent, turbulent plot all the worth watching. I play the movie on sometimes just to hear the score. I know, I should just download the soundtrack. 

One other reason I love the film is the production value of old NYC. I'm from the Bronx but I do know my history of NYC, and the look was astonishing, almost better than The Godfather. ONE BLUFF that I noticed and only a true NY'r will spot this out:

The scene, one of the best scenes, when they pass by the Williamsburg bridge in the lower east side (the master shot of the poster), the kid goes under the bridge and spots a creepy Thug named BUGSY (A young James Russo who would go on to play more crazy roles in years followed) heading toward them with a gun. When the kids run away in slow motion (the shot is so beautiful), you can see Housing Projects all the way in the back on the left screen. Someone forgot to tell the Italian director the Projects wasn't developed until the early 60's. I know, I'm a nerd.

ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA  HOLDS DEAR TO MY HEART. An underrated film that became a classic to this day. Editing PAYS.

Sorry Orson. Still love Citizen Kane, but Sergio wins.

-end of line

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Making of my last PERSONAL SHORT FILM "MUSIC: A Marvin Gaye Story"

I had Marvin Gaye planned since I was a teen, after watching a documentary of his life-I knew one day it would happen.

Just like the same connection I had with Tupac, I came to find out Marvin and I were pretty much the same. Both came from a religious background, both torn between doing "God's work" or doing secular work through our talents. Both can be shy but very deep into our work, wear our emotions on our sleeves and most of all battle duality with our personalities-angelic and can be devilish. During Marvin's 30's-to his death, Marvin would suffer from depression and the drugs didn't help-I too would suffer within the last stages of my marriage, one point thought of Suicide.

Sometimes within the industry there are actors or people that you feel such a great chemistry with one another that you can't wait to work with them. I've known Toni Robinson-May for 5 years now; a wonderful, talented actress, poet and person who interns for my mentors Rosalyn and Crag T. Williams of Red Wall Productions and I always wanted to work with her.  It was the night where Stuart Productions gave a huge private industry party headed by Producer Emelyn Stuart (12 Steps to Recovery online show), and it was this night where I approached Toni that I wanted to do a short film on Gaye and she was a lock to play his ex wife, Janis. She said "OK" but looked nervous. Maybe she didn't believe me, I don't know but I had this planned to shoot around 2010 but I felt it wasn't the right time.

Tupac was created instead.

The Marvin Gaye script wasn't written yet but it was in my head. I saw it in a dream where Marvin would escape all the troubles in his own world by heading to the studio and sing his heart out giving himself peace through his music. At the same time, his wife would enter and just watch him from afar. He notices and invites her into the booth to share one last dance together. A somber moment for both that this relationship was over but the love will always be there through the music.

Never wrote it down.

Then my marriage of 12 years ended.

My marriage ended the same time I filmed JUSTICE and I was a wreck mentally, physically and spiritually. Its very hard for me to watch JUSTICE because I was so much in pain, pretty much the same pain my character Marc Justice was, after losing his wife. I knew for certain once JUSTICE wrapped, the Marvin Gaye project had to be filmed NOW or it will never get done. 

MUSIC: A Marvin Gaye Story wasn't just another "look at me and what I can do" project, THIS WAS PERSONAL. Marvin says "Great artist suffer for the people" and always wrote based on his lifestyle. If he was in trouble, he made the album "TROUBLE MAN". If he was going through a sexual phase, he created "LETS GET IT ON", I am the same way; therefore MUSIC is a personal release for me.

A release to let go, move on, forgive myself, learn from your past and start anew. Divorce is not a great thing at all, its very painful; however I've learned that I could do two things-Get better or get worse. 

MUSIC wasn't going to get made without the blessings from Marvin's ex wife Janis Gaye, a wonderful mother who went through a lot raising two kids on her own throughout the years. Janis openly shared her experience with me being married to a legend. Once she read the script, made some adjustments and approved, I knew this was all in God's timing and we kept a friendship to this day.

When I set the date with my cast featuring Toni, Emelyn Stuart's son Justus playing "Frankie Gaye", my niece Taylor Scott playing "Nona Gaye", along with my trusted crew Cinematographer Ryan J. Lee, Cameraman John Olivo, Make Up Artist Lillybeth Gonzalez and new jacks like Assistant Director Brenda Santana and Stylist, Still Photographer Sylvia Torres, preparation began in full force.

I listen, watched and read every material there is of Marvin 24/7, the same way I studied Tupac. This film will not mirror my previous short film DRUNKEN FREESTYLE: AN INTERVIEW WITH 2PAC where the musical legend shares his whole life story in a studio, drunk; I wanted this to be very intimate and personal showing the love he has for his family and passion. This short doesn't focus on his father, years of Motown, drug abuse and the tragic murder of his life.

The short, pretty much like most of my content, was funded by my own pocket and we didn't go over budget, in fact we went under. Filming went smoothly yet challenging because I'm directing at the same time plus I was nervous as hell. Hours later Hurricane Sandy would land in New York City and the last thing I wanted was to have my actors caught in the storm but we wrapped hours before.

So what do I expect from this short? Accolades from people watching in film festivals, a big time movie producer giving me money to distribute or to make a feature film version? A big time agent noticing Toni and the kids and want to represent them? That's my goal with ALL of my content.

But my main goal. THE BIG GOAL for this short film...
is to pay tribute to Marvin, Janis and her children. This is my tribute saying THANK YOU. If none of the above things I've mentioned before don't happen, I will not be bummed at all. This was something we, my crew needed to do and it got done through the midst of the storm. 

A storm that hit NYC hard but like every storm in our lives, we just gotta stay strong, hold our heads up high, find peace...



and like Marvin said in his song...


-end of line

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I will start out every blog of these HOW TO BRAND ON SOCIAL MEDIA thingys the same way so the message is clear and here it goes:

My name is Damian Bailey and I am NOT a Social Media branding expert nor claim to be one; however I used a few methods that continues to work in my favor that I would like to share with you on this journey of success. 

ONSET of the film "BLACK PEARL" featuring Samuel Gomez and Bill Johnson

OK so you know your "type", have the greatest headshots that represent you, and you consider yourself an INC. a BRAND, NOW WHAT?

Back in the 90's, a demo reel was only needed if you were going to LA to meet an agent; now its a necessity across the board. The headshot will make them smile and check your resume; a solid reel will give you an appointment or an audition. I mean a GOOD SOLID REEL. So what makes a great reel or a bad one? what IS a reel?

A Reel is a combination of clips from previous or present films from your resume. Here's where it gets complicated; what if you have close to no work, or too much work, what do you do? lets break it down with limited to no work first:

a)ask a FILMMAKER friend for a favor to film a scene featuring you as the subject. Now we're going back to the INC. viewpoint. You don't want to hire the salesperson for your store who has no teeth, bad breath and smells like pure ass to sell the products right? then don't just ask any filmmaker friend or student to film you. Research their credentials, look at their work and if its of HIGH QUALITY, hire them. You may have to pay a huge dollar for this but this is your career you're investing in; therefore get the best. If you cant pay them, offer them lunch, carfare, etc. but DON'T go the cheap route getting a student filmmaker who will shoot you on a camcorder with the bathroom as a background. 

b) DO A MONOLOGUE by FILMING YOURSELF. With that said, you are responsible for filming a quality video. Use a good HD camera or your iPAD and MAC with great lighting that will show you in the best way and not in a distracting way. Be mindful of sound which is key-don't do a monologue video with a baby crying in the background (I saw this before).

c) DO MONOLOGUES BASED ON WHAT YOU'RE SELLING-YOUR "TYPE". Too many actors are doing monologues that are not their type because they want to show the agent or casting director that they have range-sorry but this is the industry of FIRST IMPRESSIONS and they want to see the person on the headshot along with the person in front of them  that can be MARKETABLE. A beautiful woman in her mid 20's should not, in my opinion, do a monologue on a 50 year old woman going through menopause, crying over her deceased children. STAY IN YOUR LANE. Show your type FIRST then build that rep through the work that you get.

My type is leading man and I landed my agent by doing a monologue from the film "PRINCE OF THE CITY" -the scene where the LEAD character, a crooked cop who snitches on his crooked partners and breaks down when doing so. A role played by Treat Williams that I can also portray myself that's why I did it. Its from a LEADING MAN doing an intense monologue with range.

Now lets discuss the fact that you have mountains of work: here's where the GREAT DEBATE begins.
HOW LONG SHOULD A REEL BE? Industry standards would say 3 min. Now some of these Casting Directors are lying to actors saying they just want to see 60 seconds. Some say 5 min. Few say ADD AS MANY MATERIAL AS YOU CAN. In my opinion, ALL ARE VALID (except for the 60 sec rule). The reason these Agents and Casting Directors say it has to be short because "THEY GET SO MUCH ON A DAILY BASIS AND DON'T WANT TO SEE REELS ALL DAY", ok I get that yet when I do attend these "offices", they're snooping on FACE BOOK most of the time (I'm nosey, I see everything even when they don't realize it).  As a filmmaker, I HATE watching REELS that are too short because I feel cheated. I don't like credits on the reels, cant stand loud background music and special effects on reels. 

The main focus on REELS is YOU. Not the music, not the credits, not the AFTER EFFECTS usage, I want to see YOU and the first 30 to 60 seconds better be DAMN GOOD for me to keep watching and it should showcase YOUR TYPE. right away. The second clip should be just as great as the first for the viewer to KEEP WATCHING. Its up to them to shut it off or to keep watching MORE OF YOUR OUTSTANDING WORK.

I know TONS of actors who have reels that are 5 min or longer...AND WORKING. The ones I see or know of with these microwaveable reels, are barley getting it-again this is debatable and I can be wrong but....
hey, everything is TRIAL AND ERROR and what works for me may not work for someone else. Just make sure those first 2 min are EXCELLENT.

I used to do reels for actors but I decided not to anymore; however I do know filmmakers such as Tony Clomax and Rosalyn Coleman Williams and Craig T. Williams of Red Wall Productions who not only establish your reel but will create a short for your reel. Yes you have to PAY-this is an investment you cannot go cheap in. Anybody that charges you $50 or $100 to do their reels, go the other way. THIS IS YOUR BUSINESS, SO INVEST WISELY. 

This used to be hard to make and maintain because it was so expensive however hosting sites like or has made it affordable for you to create your own website. Yes we have social media but a website is different. Its just YOU, no friend request, no fighting with your friends, just you. Once your reel is established, place your reel on your website so not only filmmakers, Agents or Casting Directors can see it, but they can KNOW about YOU as well. Besides talent, they want to see who they can work with: Do I  like this guy? do they have a "story" within their life? What's their BIO like? This is where you can share who you are, what you want to do, where you're doing it and how. 

my website

3. FAN PAGE. I used to be against this because I thought it was just too vain until I saw the light. Its just another way to brand yourself the right way. I'm not sure what the statistics are and I'm too lazy to research it right now but I strongly believe Facebook is ten times of a larger audience than Twitter. I could be wrong. A Fan page is like a spawn of your website. Now you're letting your audience see what you're about as an actor, filmmaker, etc. When you create a Fan page, you separate yourself from your personal page. I have a dumb big mouth, and on my personal page I say whatever I want and it stays just on Facebook. On my ACTOR/FILMMAKER fan page, I speak on acting and my career and it  posts on Facebook AND twitter to open my audience, letting them know what I'm doing. Post whatever you want but be mindful on how you do it. Imagine seeing someone in person and they constantly say "I got an audition, I got an audition, I got an audition..." you're not gonna give a damn plus you would want them to just shut up. Use your fan pages wisely. Connect it with Twitter or any other social site. Again, you're building an AUDIENCE.

4. BLOG. I've learned this from my mentor Craig T. Williams who is a great writer (writer of JUSTICE-Shameless plug), to always WRITE. Write what's on your heart, mind  and soul on your journey. You build an audience by people being inspired by you. They are on the same path and need to hear from others how to take this journey with their heads lifting high. The main key is to get your name out there and making a video on how to take care of your hair and put it on youtube is great exposure. Always remember YOU ARE BEING WATCHED AND YOU NEVER KNOW WHO'S WATCHING YOU. A top notched  producer could be bored one night, go online, accidentally type "HAIR" on his google feed and your face comes up. He clicks on your picture which leads to your youtube video about hair. The video makes his snicker...then he notices something: on the right side he sees your name with other videos attached. One HAS YOUR REEL. "Oh...shes an ACTRESS? I LOVE HER PERSONALITY. SHE NEEDS A JOB". This HAS happen before. It also happen to myself. Blogging shows your personality so blog.

When you have all these tools and post them at least 2x a week, YOU WILL ESTABLISH AN AUDIENCE. Few may approach or email you saying they love what you do and TONS of people wont say anything but they ARE following you. You will know when you're approached in the street and they say "I love your blogs and you're work" and all it takes is the right person to see it. 

Always keep in mind whatever you're selling or promoting, which is you, it has to be ready NOW. Don't promote yourself on social media saying "my reel is the shit" and you have no reel. Online content audience must see it right there and then. 

GUARD YOUR WALLS. Stay active on your social media sites, that doesn't mean you have to update statuses, post pics on a daily basis like I do (hee hee) but be active. I find when you're not active on social media, viruses are posted on your walls or idiots would put something to make you look bad. You always wanna guard whats on the wall because these agents ARE on FACEBOOK watching you. 

Post your reel up at least once every three weeks. Post it in groups, etc not only to showcase yourself but to showcase the person or production company who made it for you. In this business, one hand washes the other and its all about connections. Posting your work, pictures showcasing the photographer, goes a mile away. 

When an actor becomes a Hollywood star their publicist makes sure their in the spotlight by SHARING pics of their clients who were at the latest events, or filming a new production-you should be no different and this eliminates the whole "SHOWING OFF" theory. Hey, you're a BRAND, you HAVE to show off.

ONSET of "JUSTICE" directed by Rosalyn Coleman Williams

Operate as if you ARE a Star NOW. with that said....

this leads me to number 3 on how to BRAND

another method my mentor Craig told me

a method that I hate

Stay tuned


FOR REELS contact Craig T. Williams of RED WALL PRODUCTIONS

Tony Clomax
on facebook

for HEADSHOTS / FASHION or MODELING Sylvia Torres at fotogenik


Friday, October 19, 2012


My name is Damian Bailey and I am NOT a Social Media branding expert nor claim to be one; however I used a few methods that continues to work in my favor that I would like to share with you on your journey of success. 

For those who are unaware of who I am and what I do, I am a professional actor, filmmaker, model and personal trainer with my own 2 companies Glory 2 God Productions and DBFit aka DAMIAN BAILEY FITNESS. Yes I wear a lot of hats and with these hats, I was able to use social media in a way that created numerous opportunities for my businesses. Since joining social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkin and Instagram, I've gain the opportunity to meet tons of great people that lead me to opportunities and most of all, exposure. 

The following are methods and do's/dont's I used that I feel will help you BRAND yourself to your market. This and the ones to follow, blogs caters to the people in both my industry of Fitness and Film but I believe this can help all across the board.

You just became an Actor. ok. Now what? What makes you different than the next actor, filmmaker, etc? This is the common practice done by most actors:
Lets meet ACTOR 1
Actor 1 is a great Leading man type. He has the looks, over 6 feet tall, and very talented but shy to the core. He wants work as most of us do. Day after day he reads the trade papers, searches online for acting work, ANY acting work. He hardly takes classes, No reel, decent but bland Headshot that doesn't show his real personality but shows a comfortable boy next door type, hardly attends networking events but through mailing his headshot, he lands an Agent. Now with representation, he does nothing. No searching for work or crashing auditions because he feels he got it made-he could tell people his Agent is finding work for him. Joins Facebook and gets in ACTING groups. Weeks go by and he gets auditions from his Agent but something is different: he's only seen as a boy next door. ACTOR 1 knows he's leading man material but his Agent thinks otherwise, submits him to these go-see's and nothing happens. Actor 1 becomes frustrated and starts to blame his agent for not "getting him work" (SOUNDS FAMILIAR?). He becomes depressed and afraid to tell his agent what he really wants, in fact he doesn't contact or speak to his agent at all unless its something to benefit him. Months go by and he hasn't heard from his Agent until he realizes he's back to square one. No representation, no work. So he goes on facebook to bitch about how bad the agency is, how bad the industry is, threatens to quit the business (when its a lie, he just wants sympathy from fb friends) and yada yada yada- the cycle of a struggling actor without a plan.

HE HAD NO PLAN because he lacked vision and felt entitled that his agent should get him work. He thought that he was a leading man but didn't BELIEVE that he was a LEADING MAN type so he took bland cheap ass headshots. One of the things that hinders us Actors is lack of confidence. I cringe when actors say "I don't like to look at myself when I perform", if YOU don't like to look at you, then why the world should even bother to look at you? 
He had no reel yet didn't think to create scenes showcasing or proving to the industry that he IS a Leading man type.

Lets break down types:
1. LEADING MAN / WOMAN: Hero, Romantic or Villian-Drama, Thriller, Action, Romance. They're the types who carry the film or play. This type is the main reason why they will watch an episode of the show or the film. Good looking, sexy, most are tall, ladies love him, men dream about her. Ex. Tom Cruise, Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, Will Smith, Scarlet Johannsen

2. BOY/GIRL NEXT DOOR/SUPPORT: Supportive friend to the lead or Villian. Average Joe looking. The Audience loves this person, sometimes comical and sometimes can be the lead based on the story. Ex. Jonah Hill, Melissa McCarthy, John Goodman, Dustin Hoffman

3. COMEDIC ACTOR-Comedy from beginning to end. Nuff said. Ex. Tina Fey, Eddie Murphy, Cedric the Entertainer, Will Farrell

Do you know which type you are? Of Course many will say number 1 but maybe you're not-no worries. Here's a plan that could help you define your type.

a) Make a survey of these three types and ask 10 people who are not that familiar with you, what can they see you play? Do not ask family members. You may have a few who would say "you remind me of this person" and you might get pissed off but don't. I was told early in my career that I was the next Wesley Snipes. I used to get mad at that because I didn't know my type until I looked beneath the surface. What they're saying is "I can see you be the lead. You can play a drug kingpin, a cop saving a plane full of hostages or a Vampire Slayer"

b) Tally up the votes.
c) The ones with most votes, THAT'S YOUR TYPE whether you feel it or not. 

NOW YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN YOUR TYPE AND MARKET IT which will lead to you developing a PLAN for your career. 

Whether you like it or not, the minute you decided to become an Actor, Filmmaker, trainer, etc. you have decided to become an INC. which means it is your job, yes YOUR JOB YOUR JOB YOUR JOB to BRAND yourself. YOU have to pick the right photographer that showcase your type in the best way so Agents, Casting Directors etc will not only know your type but your personality. 

With this headshot (yeah its old, black and white. I've been in the game for a minute) I got freelance representation that all called me in for the same thing: THUG. There's nothing wrong playing a Thug, Mugger, Hooker etc if the role has substance but if its just a gig to say "I ain't do nothing, bee", I knew there was much more I can do.

A standard BORING headshot that's typical within the Actor industry. Yes its a nice smile but its forced, which a lot of headshots are-Forced expressions showing NO TYPE nor REAL personality. I hardly got any auditions with this pic because its bland.

This Headshot shows TYPE-LEADING MAN. He's in a car which says he's DRIVEN AND looks good in this Steve McQueen type look. You can tell from his chest he has a good physique which means he can probably kick ass and get the girl. There's tons of range with this look and I got a contract from my agent using this, along with numerous auditions. It shows that I'm a driven person because I AM. 

If you have an agent, its YOUR JOB to EXPRESS to your Agent your plan in this business. Do NOT give all your control to your representation, you have a voice and you matter as well. Be professional and tell them, "We need to do this, WE should seek this director" ALONG with "I'm taking classes" or "I'm writing" etc. This is a TEAM effort. My Agent and Manager all go by TEAM DAMIAN where are goal is "how can we obtain THIS gig to get us to the big picture to be seen throughout the world". 

Say you have no work to create a reel because its important to have on these days; therefore create your own content. Ask a filmmaker friend of yours (the one you did his film for no pay? a favor for a favor) to film your monologue for you WITH HIGH QUALITY. One scene is good enough if your starting out. 

My plan was to show the world through social media that I wasn't just some fit buffed guy who could play thug. I knew I could do the same roles Wesley, Denzel, Laurence and even Idris could do but the work wasn't there for me. I kept getting calls to audition for THIS thug and THAT thug until I changed my headshot and planed it out to either produce or create roles that shows me as a lead.  What you see below was part of my 5 year plan that worked which lead me to legit representation and numerous film roles just by branding on social media.

Once this is done, here's where the tools of branding on social media comes into play.


.......and THAT will be in the next blog.


Thursday, October 18, 2012



This blog is a list of gyms I feel in my opinion are the best to the worst chains in NYC. Let me start out by getting this out the way: GYM MEMBERSHIP SHOULD BE FREE if a member pays for training. Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors should get paid for what they're worth and its NOT $20-30 a session (when the session cost $120). You're gym experience all depends on the manager that's running it; therefore gyms need to stop hiring 21 year olds who don't know their head from their asses, as managers. It's just a Job to do them-they just want to get paid and have no knowledge of life I don't care how book smart they can be. Plus these head managers don't do a damn thing. Ok I'm going off a bit here lol. This list is based on the years I've experienced as a employer and a member. My opinion. You can disagree, just don't be an ass about it.

6. David Barton Gym
7. Parks and Recreational Gyms
8. Health and Racquet club
9. Crunch
10.Ballys Total Fitness Center
11. Soul Cycle
12. Planet BITCHness
13. Lucille Roberts

PRO:Golds Gym is in a class by itself, that's how great it is; however it's closing numerous chains in NYC and Miami converting them to the gym that's listed on number 8 (I have no idea why). This is the MECCA of fitness, the place where the Gods of Bodybuilding like Schwartzenegger and Ferrigno started and made famous. Of course from the outside looking in you may think its a steroid gym filled with muscle heads; it is not and its in fact the biggest stereotype among the gym chains. This is not a gym to have a martini or fat free liquor and socialize. It's not a "sex and the city" posh gym, as soon as you hit the door, you're inspired to WORK because everyone who works there is in shape. No one is there to pussyfoot around because they're getting it in through their workouts and tough training with their personal trainers who were very good. The gym's apparel is top notch within their clothing store and their nutrition shop hits the spot. Pretty affordable as well. If you haven't done so, you must visit the Venice Beach location in California. I was there for 3 hours. I didn't want to leave. THAT'S a gym experience.

CON: some locations can be a bit dirty or the equipment is a little outdated-only a few. Trainers can be a little standoffish

Pro: very clean, affordable, great equipment, great Personal trainers. The Spa, classes and health bar caters to your fitness needs the right way, especially the bar by having food you actually KNOW of. The electronic lockers are amazing.
CON: none

REEBOK-you got mad paper if you workout here.
PRO: read above.
CON: way too expensive. Caters mostly to celebs plus no one is hardly there. It's always empty.

NYSC-The Starbucks of Gyms
PRO: Pretty affordable. $89 a year for a passport membership is not bad. It could be a little cheaper but not bad.
CON: depending on your location, a few are dirty, old, missing or broken equipment. Staff needs training on customer service 101- trainers are not that great because they're train to sell as a key factor than to actually train for fitness which is why the next gym has an up over them.

EQUINOX FITNESS: "Sex and the city" of Gyms
PRO: clean, great personal training and spa. Classes are effective, good equipment. Out of all the gyms, Equinox are number one when it comes to training trainers by constant fitness and health education, along with customer services. As soon as you hit the door you're greeted with a smile.
CON: way overpriced. Entitled members and socialites who could be annoying. No locations catered to urban areas (NO I don't count BLINK). Being that they're the top in the education field they carry this arrogant, cocky attitude that they're the best and that's it. That attitude reflects across the board through Managment on down. Wine parties after a workout for socializing like its a club in Chelsea.

DAVID BARTON GYM: The Disco of Gyms
PRO: Flashy. Decent membership price. Good equipment. Fun atmosphere, music decent. If you want to work out in studio 54 this is the spot.
CON: TOO DAMN DARK, it's like working out in the batcave. Training is inconsistent because you're free to pick anyone at any day if they're available or waiting in the lobby sitting around like whores in a whorehouse.

PARKS & Recreation: Workout at your own risk
PRO: $100 a year. Yes a year and a few are clean. Nuff said
CON: you're on your own when it comes to training. There's little to no Persoanl training and depending on the location, you gonna walk the floor with weights from lazy ass people who don't put them back. They have kept up with the maintenance of the pools but something about going to a city gym disgust me.

PRO: by far the best Group Fitness Classes within the NYC gyms. Basketball and tennis courts.
CON: crappy building structure, almost feels claustrophobic. Trainer uniforms are bad along with their skills. Rooms are too small. Rates are overpriced

CRUNCH: Crunch what?
PRO: boxing ring. That's it
CON: no identity. Nothing really stands out for me with Crunch. It's not good nor is it bad. It's a spawn of Equinox and NYSC mixed as one. Membership prices mirrors NYSC.

BALLYS: the McDonald's of Gyms
CON: EYE CANDY. This gym used to be equivalent to Golds but it has been so tampered and watered down throughout the years that even the training doesn't stand out. Based on former and current employers that I'm friends with, Ballys is big on the BIG SALE instead  of trainers knowing how to train and become effective with the program. Sale Commission is a high priority to them...this is why they get the most complaints and law suits from members complaining about their fees, memberships etc. YES the eye candy of attractive men and women can be a some.

PRO: If you're a spinning nut-this is the place. Great music, high class Cycle equipment, oh my Gawd
CON: OH MY GAWD its a socialite spot. Friends of friends, celebs of celebs occupy the spot OH MY GAWD. Im not a fan of doing dumbell curls and Overhead Presses while riding a bike cause you don't do this out in the street so why do it in the gym? but whatever, you're friends are sweating and they're playing GANMAN STYLE OH MY GAWWD

PLANT FITNESS-the Soul Food of Gyms
PRO: really?
CON: oh where should I begin with the cons of Planet BITCHness. The color design of yellow and purple, the fisher price workout machines, the stereotypical stupid commercials making fit people seem ignorant, pompous and vainglorious, NO SQUAT RACKS, NO DEADLIFTS, NO WEIGHTS HIGHER THAN 65lbs. The wack ass "Spa" which is some cheap tanning booth and a crappy massage chair. They don't even know what a Kettlebell is-I'm serious. I've asked and they looked at me as if I was from another planet. WORKING OUT HARDCORE IS PROHIBITED. You must do the Walking Dead Cardio (walk on the treadmill for an hour with your hands on top of the machine at high incline looking like a zombie), the HOBBIT size pull up bar that has a line of dudes to use it and attempt to do tricks when they fall flat cause it's too short. No grunting, breathing hard (seriously), no tank tops from GOLDS, SPEECIES or any bodybuilding tank that shows your physique but its ok to wear those stupid ass heavty bag looking crap over your body so "you could sweat". OH I forgot, after your "hard" workout, YOU GET FREE PIZZA along with tootsie rolls. So go ahead and spend $10 a month to lift small weights then eat a pizza afterwards so you won't gain not one result but it will keep you coming back for more. This is the SOUL FOOD OF GYMS and doesn't promote an ounce of what real fitness is about. Judgement free zone they say yet in the "hood" areas that's out the window. You can't even look like you're from the hood going inside cause they'll kick you out. No trainers and if it is one its a kid on his blackberry text while showing you the machines or a jail bird. $10. You get what you pay for.

PRO:............if you don't want to deal with men, this is your spot. $20 a month I believe.
CON: their equipment makes Planet BITCHness look like Equinox. It's THAT bad. Almost every location I went and worked for, all of them had a an odor...I'll leave it at that. Trainers? Well no one trains them so they'll get anyone from the street who has arms. The dudes are only there to get laid and the women trainers are just there for the experience in training so they can leave to another spot. This is not the gym to feel inspired by others. DON'T BE MISLED BY THE COMMERICALS WITH ALL THE HOT WOMEN DANCING AROUND, you may find one like that in 6 months.

CURVES: the .75 store of gyms. Ever heard of a .75 store? Exactly, they hardly around.
PRO: caters to the obese, affordable
CON: the worst training system by having them do the same circuit machine training. Windows are dark and tinted-what the hell are they really doing in there? The size is a living room, not a gym.